An eyewitness at the prison where the man was held says members of the Fedayeen grabbed his tongue with pliers and sliced it off with a scalpel so he could not talk.
The Reds attacked Pfeiffer and one of his lieutenants with bicycle pumps, shoemaker's pliers and clubs.
The PowerLock is built around a pair of gears that give you extra leverage when you're plying your pliers; they also give the whole tool a deliciously smooth unfolding action--it's .
Klein Tools Introduces Limited Edition Camouflage Pliers Klein Tools for professionals since 1857, is pleased to release the Limited Edition Camouflage 2000 Series High-Leverage Side-Cutting Pliers
June 21, 2013 - ToolingOnline
Jeff Bezos in Austin American-Statesman I shouldn't have to start each Christmas morning with a needle-nose pliers and wire cutters,said Jeff Bezos, the founder of and the father of four young children.
Kathryn Bigelow in Independent Bigelow said in her director's statement that she was "shocked" to learn men use "little more than a pair of pliers" to disarm a bomb that can kill within a radius of 300 metres.
Bucky Covington in Miami Herald I sucked at basketball and baseball so bad I won't even watch it now,Covington says. "I was that kid looking through the glove. We did have the model TV with channels 3, 6 and 12 and the top knob broke off it and we had to use the pliers...