Today Captain Cohn, a fat, unctuous personage with a great mane of blond hair, is to be seen, sleekly appareled and carrying a lady's parasol to shield his eyes, at every major .
But from the earliest days, in addition to the parasol and firearm, the beachcombers have also carried some heavy moral baggage.
She was wearing her best dress, her blue hat with the flowers and ribbons on it and her Sunday shoes and carrying a gay little parasol when she got on the downtown streetcar to go .
Water shortage? A deluge on Friday night, June 8, caused Foxborough Historical Commission member Kristin Hovey to pop the ol’ parasol on the portico of the Foxborough Universalist Church after the 250th anniversary celebration of the town’s first Meeting House. Over 4 inches of rain fell during the night.
June 20, 2013 - Foxboro Reporter
Marcia Cross in Metro Canada - Toronto I've seen people use the parasol and I think I might check it out,Cross says. "I was on a hike and saw an Asian woman with one and she looked great."
Renzo Piano in Chicago Sun-Times Piano said he thinks of the "flying carpet" roof as "a sort of parasol, or the leaves of a big tree, and I hope it does for natural light what my good friend Frank Gehry's band shell does for sound."
Laura Schwartz in CBS News Cindy is really glamorous, she is also very prim and proper to some extent, so, they went with Parasol,Schwartz said.