parapet :

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pe ruh pet

  • n  a low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony
  • n  fortification consisting of a low wall

  • As Dave stayed behind to try to rescue Spann, the two Red Cross workers climbed up to the fort's parapet, hoisted themselves over the wall and slid 60 ft.
  • A fourth lay on the tarmac, behind a low concrete parapet.
  • The raging wildfires have even scorched the "lungs" of Athens, the great fir-and-pine-carpeted parapet of Mount Parnitha.

  • Dave Richards in ic Wales
    We need to demonstrate real leadership,Richards said. "From the top, we have to stick our heads over the parapet and say 'We got that wrong'. We are admitting we got it wrong and we have to accept the responsibility for it going wrong."
  • Helen Zille in eTaiwan News
    Unlike Zuma, he dared to stick his head above the parapet and rebuke the ANC Youth League for its menacing statements that it would 'shoot to kill' for the ANC president,noted opposition leader Helen Zille.
  • Robert Worcester in
    The rules are stacked against,said Worcester. "For a start, there aren't 70 people willing to put their heads above the parapet."

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