parallax :

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pe ruh laks

  • n  the apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object

  • That, said the Government testily, would be quite impossiblea parallax computer in its crate happens to be a $7,200, 270-lb.
  • Other subjects suffer from a factual parallax.
  • This change is called parallax.
News & Articles

  • Video: How to add one of iOS 7?s coolest features to iOS 6
    Apple unveiled a complete reimagining of its mobile platform on Monday, and beyond the completely new look of the user interface, iOS 7 is packed full of new features. Among them is a great new 3D parallax effect that moves shadows and lighting effects on home screens as the user moves the phone in his or her hand, resulting in a very cool 3D effect that gives the interface a Z axis. Apple’s new ...
    June 11, 2013 - BGR News via Yahoo! News

  • Satoru Iwata in TechRadar UK
    With parallax barrier technology the LCD must be a certain distance away from the screen. It also needs a certain viewing angle. We think it is not a great match for the home TV set,Iwata told VentureBeat. "As one of the engineers, I can...
  • Johannes Kepler in Business Wire (press release)
    When I released 'Then Again' on my previous label, Parallax in 1996 the response was incredible. I can't wait to get this phenomenal album out on CD as well,added Kepler.
  • George Clooney in
    If you watch The Parallax View and things like that we're not reinventing the wheel,Clooney said. "But it is always an interesting thing to talk about."

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