Her so-called rheumatic pains had entirely disappeared; she had occasional palpitation of the heart; was decidedly less tired in spite of being overworked, and looked unusually .
And there are those who insist on calling the slightest chest pain or palpitation a heart attack, thus leaving foreigners amazed that they are still alive and apparently well as .
Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job of repairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying? Researchers have long noted that because gender .
Smaller, Smarter Cardiac Monitoring Available at the University of Michigan Smaller, smarter cardiac monitoring available at the University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center will help patients find the answer to unexplained fainting or heart palpitations. Smaller than a key, it's inserted just beneath the skin and allows wireless, remote monitoring of heart rhythms.
March 12, 2014 - Newswise
Brad Faxon in ESPN I had breakfast with him and he said he wasn't feeling good,said Brad Faxon, who was paired with him in the final round. "He said he had some heart palpitation stuff before. He didn't look good and he didn't feel good."
Florence Nightingale in Huffington Post (blog) Let us cross a great modern capital with our ears more alert than our eyes, and we will get enjoyment from distinguishing the eddy of water, air and gas in metal pipes, the palpitation of valves, the coming and going of pistons, the howl of... Luigi Russolo http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luigi_Russolo&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHtlFqC0IqSip6jT0qUDg2CgkzWvw Wood & Vale http://www.google.com/url?q=http://woodandvale.london24.net/woodandvale/whatson/story.aspx%3Fbrand%3DNorthLondon24%26category%3Dwhatsonart%26tBrand%3Dnorthlondon24%26tCategory%3Dwhatson%26itemid%3DWeED07%2520Dec%25202006%252017%253A46%253A22%253A793&sourc Dec 7, 2006
71859 96063 palpitation In a letter to her physician, Nightingale writes, Let me tell you Doctor, that after any walk or drive I sat up all night with palpitation. And the sight of animal food increased the sickness."