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- Korean player finds black pitcher to be a bit too black
Saw this via Baseball Think Factory. On the one hand, oh my stars and garters that anyone would say something like this. But really, this makes me laugh out loud more than anything because it’s so damn matter-of-fact that finding actual racism in it as opposed to just cringingly-bad social awkwardness is a real stretch.…
June 14, 2013 - NBC Sports: HardballTalk - More wines coming out in support of gay marriage
Wineries are coming out loud and proud in their support of gay marriage. They're putting it right on the label.
June 13, 2013 - Kingston Daily Freeman - New York City Prepares For Global Warming
You’ll be laughing out loud at this, if you don’t believe in Global Warming. That’s because the Mayor of New York City wants his city to be ready for that fore-casted “Climate Change.” A commissioned report by new york, says …
June 12, 2013 - Nightcap TV