negotiate :

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nuh goh shee ayt

  • v  discuss the terms of an arrangement
    They negotiated the sale of the house
  • v  succeed in passing through, around, or over

  • When you negotiate with the front desk for a sweeter hotel deal and you should don't get hung up on rates alone.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin has steadfastly refused to negotiate with Chechen extremists.
  • Israeli military officials and Hamas officials told PTI that the two sides are able to negotiate on the issue via Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, and also in direct .
News & Articles


  • President Bush in Independent
    In his remarks, Mr Bush said: "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along."
  • Mahmoud Abbas in Wall Street Journal
    On Sunday, after meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Mr. Abbas told reporters: "We do not want the Americans to negotiate on our behalf. All that we want from them is to stand by (our) legitimacy ...... and have a minimum of neutrality."

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