koala :

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koh o luh

  • n  sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark

  • What else could those words describe but the koala, Australia's informal mascot and the world's favorite marsupial.
  • At picturesque horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island, five miles (8 km) off the tropical northern coast of Queensland, Australia, a young koala scampers past astonished picnickers .
  • Australia's aborigines thought that koalas were reincarnations of their dead babies, never dreamed of harming them.
News & Articles

  • Miley Cyrus' "We Can't Stop" Music Video Teasers: Wet but Not So Wild
    Miley Cyrus may be a self described "party animal," but if the previews for her next music video are any indication, that animal is maybe a koala bear or some other critter...
    June 17, 2013 - E! Online
  • KB208 Now Available at Babystations.com for Only $189.78
    Babystations.com, best known for selling baby changing stations online, is now offering a huge price drop for the Koala Kare KB208. From the regular market price of $208.00, customers can now purchase their very own KB208 for only $189.78. (PRWeb June 16, 2013) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/6/prweb10805219.htm
    June 16, 2013 - PRWeb
  • Summer enrichment program
    Did you know that the Koala Bear sleeps for 20 hours a day, and is not really a bear but a marsupial mammal? Or, that the adult human body contains approximately 100 trillion cells?
    June 15, 2013 - Stratford Star

  • Kevin Rudd in Times Online
    It's tragic that Sam the koala is no longer with us,Mr Rudd said yesterday. "When I travelled to London for the G20 summit in early April, the symbol of hope for so many people around the world was the great picture of that wonderful koala...
  • Jeremy Renner in MiamiHerald.com
    Upon hearing the news, Renner said he "jumped into Anthony's arms and squeezed onto him like a koala in a tree" and felt like a "a kid at Christmas or going to Disneyland for the first time."
  • Russell Crowe in Stuff.co.nz
    Australian actor Russell Crowe says having long hair is like "walking around with a dead koala on your back".

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