Man, 19, Charged in Sexual Assault Against 13-Year-Old White River Junction — An itinerant 19-year-old man was charged yesterday with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl at the Shady Lawn Motel, Hartford police said.
June 11, 2013 - Valley News
Pope Benedict XVI in آكي We must continue to press for more effective measures to stem the flow of guns into the Caribbean, because not only are they the symbol and toll of criminal organizations, but they filter down to itinerant criminals with grave consequences for the... Bruce Golding Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service Jul 4, 2010
54079 71204 itinerant One must not forget that the family, including the migrant or itinerant family, is the original cell of society and must not be destroyed," Benedict said in May.
Olusegun Obasanjo in The Bona Venture If you have one group or a community that has land that's been encroached upon by another community or even by itinerant cattle farmers, then the people who lay claim to the land will fight back,Obasanjo said in an interview with CNN's...