Reading the magazines that Feldstein wrote and edited in the early 50s, I have greater respect for him an admiration for his tireless inventiveness and, as a fashioner of .
The Political Becomes Personal Chinese artists are moving beyond diatribe and Mao tableaux to address new social realities with courage and inventiveness.
It's A Wonderful Life: Director Capra's inventiveness, humor and affection for human beings keep it glowing with life and excitement.
Subletting made easy ... and endearing Baltimore renter gets creative on Craigslist -- and finds someone to sublet his apartment Subletting is never easy. It can be difficult to find someone to live in your place while you're away for an extended time. But with a combination of inventiveness, whimsy and honesty, one Baltimorean may be on to something ...
June 12, 2013 - Baltimore Sun
Barack Obama in Newsweek Speaking to business owners and academics, Obama said that if necessity is the mother of invention, "at this moment of necessity we need you. We need inventiveness."
Jack Lang in International Herald Tribune Semantic inventiveness is part of a candidate's capacity to speak something other than the stock political diatribe,Lang said.