intercession :

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in ter se shuhn

  • n  a prayer to God on behalf of another person
  • n  the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.)

  • Since miracles at Lourdes are all ascribed to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, it is not caught up in the saint-making process, which some believe the Pope has running overtime.
  • We giggle nervously at the rewards bin Laden says a martyr will receive in paradise--marriage to 72 virgins, divine intercession on behalf of 70 relatives.
  • The final step of canonization full sainthood will require proof of an additional miracle achieved through the intercession of Newman's spirit.
News & Articles


  • the Apostle Paul in Associated Baptist Press
    First, you are called to pray daily for your leaders: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone -- for kings and all those in authority" (I Tim.
  • Tony Clement in
    We've used the intercession quite strategically to make sure that we are connected to Canadians' concerns, their hopes, their aspirations,said Clement. "That's a perfectly appropriate thing for a government to do."
  • Pope Benedict XVI in
    Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "We start today a new year and Christian hope takes us by the hand. We start it by invoking the divine blessing upon it and imploring, through the intercession of Mary Mother of God, the gift of peace, for our families,...

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