indigestion :

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in dahy jes chuhn

  • n  a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea

  • As Democratic leaders bustled about last week planning a big dinner, acute indigestion set in.
  • The answer was clear, unequivocal and a great relief to restless Republicans who had endured a week of indigestion on the issue.
  • Among the commonest ills of man, ranking close to constipation and headaches, is the wide range of supposed digestive upsets mistakenly described as "acid indigestion.
News & Articles


  • Michelle Wie in USA Today
    I feel really stupid saying this. I ate too much, and it caused a little indigestion,Wie said.
  • Warren Buffett in Boston Globe (registration)
    In '73 and '74, we had this stagflation situation, and we really had a meltdown in equity prices,Buffett said. "We are seeing more fixed-income type forced liquidations. We are seeing more indigestion at banks with a lot of loans they...
  • Josh Wolf in San Francisco Chronicle
    If the haters who said I wasn't a real journalist, are still lurking,Wolf wrote on his blog, "I hope you don't have too much indigestion after eating your words.' "

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