incarceration :

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in kor suh ray shuhn

  • n  the state of being imprisoned
    his ignominious incarceration in the local jail

  • How do you make the case that a decorated war hero, a former Navy aviator who was shot down behind enemy lines and suffered more than five years' incarceration as a prisoner of war .
  • How will authorities determine which inmates will be forced to foot the bill for their incarceration? It's on a sliding scale.
  • Discipline and Punish analyzes the institution of incarceration as it burgeoned in 19th century Europe and America.
News & Articles


  • President Bush in Washington Post
    With the denial of bail being upheld and incarceration imminent,Bush said, "I believe it is now important to react to that decision."
  • Reggie B Walton in Forbes
    The law, Walton said in court documents, "does not appear to contemplate a situation in which a defendant may be placed under supervised release without first completing a term of incarceration."
  • Antonin Scalia in FindLaw
    Though Justice Scalia says he is not "minimizing the harsh realities of incarceration," he does precisely that by describing prison life -- a punishment that officially involves a profound and intentional deprivation of liberty and unofficially...

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