Our relationship had begun to suffer the inanition of many marriages at seven years.
He became a sort of Gallic Coolidge decorated with Continental charm, and he presided over an era of prosperous inanition that collapsed in the debacle of the Franco-Prussian war.
Our relationship had begun to suffer the inanition of many marriages at seven years.
Caretaker charged in death of elderly Norfolk woman NORFOLK-A caretaker is charged with killing the elderly woman she lived with and cared for in Norfolk. 77-year-old Gertha Curry died September 29, 2013 at her home on Ashlawn Drive and her death ruled undetermined. On Friday, February 14, the Medical Examiner's Office determined her death was a homicide caused by " inanition and dehydration due to nutritional neglect, with medical neglect ...
Feb. 19, 2014 - 13 News, WVEC Hampton Roads