Not an instant's impedance in the arteries of democracy.
Yale's Blum also charges Roosevelt with failure to end the Depression, and he puts the blame not only on "congressional impedance" but on general "economic ignorance.
Another method, called electrical-impedance testing, is based on the fact that fat content affects how well the body conducts electricity.
Medical Body Composition Analyzer offers diverse diagnostics. With 8-point electrode Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis measurement method, seca mBCA 514 determines medically precise values of fat mass, extracellular and intracellular water, and skeletal muscle mass in less than 20 sec. Analyzer produces medically relevant results and is validated against medical science gold standard. While standing aid guarantees patient is always in same measurement ...
June 7, 2013 - ThomasNet
Texas Instruments brings fast charging, extended life to Li-ion batteries Yesterday Texas Instruments introduced a couple of new chipsets (fuel gauge an charger ICs) designed to improve the charging speed and life expectancy of single-cell Li-ion batteries. The technology, called MaxLife, is expected to provide an improvement of up to 30 percent in battery service life and faster charging times . Cell impedance is carefully monitored by the fuel gauge chip while the ...
June 7, 2013 - Engadget
Anders Hejlsberg in Register It's effectively to remove the impedance mismatch between a programming language and databases,Hejlsberg said. "The whole concept of query and set transformations is one that really has been missing from general purpose programming...