imminence :

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i muh nuhns

  • n  the state of being imminent and liable to happen soon

  • Perhaps the imminence of her own mortality had helped her find this precious balance and perspective.
  • As the galaxy careers toward catastrophe, the imminence of total war unites them, gives emotional weight to their puppy love, makes their romance more urgent.
  • If Bush wins a second term, only the imminence of a major diplomatic victoryin the Middle East, for examplecould induce him to stay a short while longer.
News & Articles

  • Scientists Explain Images of ‘North Pole Lake,’ Sudden Disappearance
    Environment Last week, images of a scientific observation buoy near the North Pole that appeared to be floating in a large lake (where there should be ice) sparked a widespread frenzy online regarding the possible imminence of global warming disaster. Now, the lake has disappeared—and scientists have stated that the images, however panic-inducing they may appear, actually represent normal Arctic ...
    July 31, 2013 - Opposing Views

  • George Tenet in International Herald Tribune
    There was never a serious debate that I know of within the administration about the imminence of the Iraqi threat,Tenet writes in a devastating judgment that is likely to be debated for many years.
  • Michael Hayden in Wall Street Journal
    We have far more knowledge of al Qaeda,Mr. Hayden said. "And although the threat continues, the imminence of the attack is not apparent to us."
  • Paul Greengrass in New York Times
    It's the way he frames his physical choices as an actor,Mr. Greengrass said. "It's not just: oh, they're after me, I've got to run; it's about finding in what he does an impulsion to move. There's an imminence about his acting."

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