The ignominy of being dragged into a sex scandal was too much for the Chief Minister. He tendered his resignation soon after he left the Assembly.
The ignominy began when ten students, dressed as pirates and armed with toy flintlocks, rowed over to the Bennington one cold dawn and simply marched up the gangway Without .
The only greater ignominy was the early 1990s Maserati TC, a version of the Chrysler Le Baron (a flaccid, front-drive, four-cylinder loser-mobile) with the proud Mazzer Trident on .
Remember Lululemon’s CEO with this chart, not see-through yoga pants Lululemon shares are taking a beating—down 13%—after the company announced CEO Christine Day is leaving the firm. Day’s departure does smack of ignominy, as it follows the comedic recall of black Lululemon ...
June 10, 2013 - Quartz via Yahoo! Finance
MLB Umpires Manage To Blow Two Calls On The Same Play Our old pals Tony Randazzo and Jordan Baker should have another set of companions in internet ignominy today: third-base ump Cory Blaser and first-base ump Ed Hickox both blew calls in the 12th inning of Padres-Rockes last night. And each of those blown calls came on the play where the Padres scored the winning run. So why isn't the pair the target of ten thousand 140-character screeds? It's not ...
June 7, 2013 - Deadspin
Manmohan Singh in Reuters Our vision is to make India's economic development energy efficient,Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on releasing the national plan. "Our people have a right to economic and social development and to discard the ignominy of widespread...
François Mitterrand in AFP Mitterrand told a news conference in Bordeaux, southwestern France, that he "will launch legal action against those who are complicit in the latest ignominy."
MF Husain in Economic Times ...a letter to Christie's, the Indian American Intellectual Forum which has joined hands with Hindu Janjagruti Samiti against Husain said the painter has gained "ignominy and notoriety" in India by painting several Hindu gods and...