ideology :

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ahy dee o luh jee

  • n  an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
  • n  imaginary or visionary theorization

  • The facade of nationalist ideology is ugly fascism at its worst.
  • Dave's ideology was simple: keep the faith and be an optimist.
  • The small political parties with little or no clout, change their ideologies based on their alignment with major partners.
News & Articles

  • Egypt seen to give nod toward jihadis on Syria
    CAIRO (AP) — Under Hosni Mubarak's rule, Egypt's authorities took a tough line on Egyptians coming home after waging "jihad" in places like Afghanistan, Chechnya or the Balkans, fearing they would bring back extremist ideology, combat experience and a thirst for regime change. In most cases, they were imprisoned and tortured.
    June 16, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News
  • Morsi's new tough tone on Syria raises concerns of a nod to jihadi fighters
    CAIRO — Under Hosni Mubarak's rule, Egypt's authorities took a tough line on Egyptians coming home after waging "jihad" in places like Afghanistan, Chechnya or the Balkans, fearing they would bring back extremist ideology, combat experience and a thirst for regime change.
    June 16, 2013 - Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
  • Egypt seen to give nod toward jihadis on Syria -
    CAIRO (AP) - Under Hosni Mubarak's rule, Egypt's authorities took a tough line on Egyptians coming home after waging "jihad" in places like Afghanistan, Chechnya or the Balkans, fearing they would bring back extremist ideology, combat experience and a thirst for regime change.
    June 16, 2013 - NBC40 South Jersey

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