Farewell, Jasper; hullo, Rudolf! The idea of an avant-garde art was predicated on the belief that artists, as social outsiders, could see further than insiders; that radical .
Theft victim finds phone, calls alleged thief's mom Hullo, you don't know me, but...(Credit: ABC News Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) When someone steals something from you, you want your something back. But, if you're a well-adjusted human, you also want justice. Please imagine, then, the feelings of Eliza Webb as she got into her car and felt something wasn't quite right. Where were her shades? Where were her running shoes? Yes, she ...
July 10, 2013 - CNET
Max Mosley in Independent I had been doing this for 45 years and there had never been a hint and nobody knewMotor-racing boss Max Mosley tells MPs that his orgies have always been a private matter until now. "Hullo. You don't sound like a black chap!"