For example, there are 54 cozy, steak-and-shrimp-filled corporate hospitality tents, going for about $240,000 a pop, at this year's Open at the Bethpage Black golf course in .
And, in a state where hospitality and business co-exist, he has a message for all potential visitors, gay and straight alike: "You come spend money.
I am grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt.
Concord Hospitality’s Annual Share Day Project Focuses on Devastated Families in Wake of Oklahoma Tornados Concord Hospitality Enterprises, one of the nation’s leading hotel developer/owner/operators, its affiliate hotels and Feed The Children , a non-profit, worldwide relief organization based in Oklahoma City, Okla., rallied once again for their fifth annual Share Day, volunteer event, organized in eight cities in the U.S.
June 12, 2013 - Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
UK Hospitality industry unites to create over 30,000 job opportunities for young people by 2015 The British Hospitality Association (BHA) will announce that the UK's hospitality and tourism industries will create over 30,000 new job opportunities for young people by 2015. The BHA will inform Mark Hoban MP, Minister of State for Employment of the pledge as it hosts its annual Summit at the InterContinental London Park Lane on Tuesday 11 June, 2013.
June 12, 2013 - Hospitality Net
Barack Obama in CNN (blog) I reminded him that not only am I coming but my wife, my mother and dad will be there, and we are looking forward to your hospitality. And, of course, in this context the president and I have constantly had discussions about human rights and... President Bush Voice of America Jul 9, 2008
48276 65400 hospitality One of the best ways to help is to come down here and enjoy the outstanding hospitality," the president said.