Managing Director Earl Constantine of the National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers finally issued a warning to his trade: a silk stocking boycott would hurt hosiery mills .
As head of Hamilton Mills, a lucrative hosiery concern which then wholesaled its output to chain stores, Feinberg became convinced, in an era of overproduction, that hosiery .
One day last week flying columns of female New Yorkers stormed the hosiery counters of New York City department and specialty stores for the first big public sale of glassy,.
Quakertown project advances; it could bring businesses, jobs Folks from outside Quakertown who pass by the long-dormant factory on Fifth Street near Juniper Street may have a hard time guessing that it was once a thriving hosiery-making operation. So robust was
June 6, 2013 - The Intelligencer
Corbett in FOXBusiness Despite the terms of the agreement 10 years ago, we have continued to receive consumer complaints about HCI's business practices,Corbett said. "Consumers were continually confused about receiving free hosiery and how they became enrolled...
Grace Paley in PR Web (press release) Grace Paley writes: "EDGES takes the reader to an Israel before high walls formed a border, when, instead, metal wires hung like hosiery lines" across the land.