hoe :

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  • n  a tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle
  • v  dig with a hoe
    He is hoeing the flower beds

  • At that wedding, the Bishop of Norwich told the couple, "You are making an addition to the hoe life of your country on which, above all others, our national life depends.
  • The only painting in this show that could be guessed to show an industrial worker is Pennsylvania Coal Town, 1947; and the bald man is posed like Millet's peasant with a hoe .
  • The fiery visitor is called Kohoutek (after its discoverer, Czech Astronomer Lubo Kohoutek pronounced Loo-bosh Ko-hoe-tek); it promises to rival and perhaps surpass in .
News & Articles

  • Mark's test headline
    Equidem tecum verus saumero, Socrates, veheter obstupui do te locust audi, mine vise es pray of dire's quote obiur hoe, veluti a of tragic due, asubito rexclaes, Quon rules home? Nestis, quote ferini, equal poop can lag, qui om studio incutis, fill auto, quit eas relttici estis, neitis --- 50 --- neque, ut illis iuste uti sciant, eos This is a change to the content. ustiaes prabus cotis, qui ...
    June 28, 2013 - Worcester Telegram & Gazette
  • The Amish Cook 0628
    It is a Wednesday afternoon. This morning the temperature was 51 degrees. We went out to weed and hoe in the garden after the morning house-work was done. It was cool when we started but the warm sun soon made it get hot.
    June 27, 2013 - The Log Cabin Democrat
  • Thug gets 25-to-life for killing HS hoops star and boasting 'Ville up hoe' on Facebook
    A young thug was sent silent and sullen to prison today for the random Harlem murder of high school basketball star Tayshana "Chicken" Murphy -- instead, his vile Facebook posting from an hour after the shooting spoke for him. "Ville up hoe," Tyshawn Brockington, 23, had snarled online, a reference...
    June 26, 2013 - New York Post

  • Clint Hurdle in International Herald Tribune
    This was a good game to get outside yourself,Hurdle said. "About the 16th inning, I said, 'Hey boys, no matter what's in front of us, there's a world of people out there who've got harder rows to hoe than we do. No matter what happens the...
  • Tim Mahoney in Forbes
    She's got a tough road to hoe because people have formed opinions of her,said Rep. Tim Mahoney, a freshman Democrat from Florida. "But I can and will tell you that when I see Hillary get out there with the public, she changes people's...
  • Ashlee Simpson in FoxReno.com
    Exactly. I feel so bad. My band started playing the wrong song. I didn't know what to do so I thought I'd do a hoe-down,Simpson said.

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