hemophiliac :

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hee muh fi lee ak

  • n  someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding

  • And the little hemophiliacTsarevich Alexei! Ah, yes, I understanddoomed for a certain term to walk the night.
  • For example, it's crucial to Alex's fate that, as a doctor, he has paid sympathetic attention to a hemophiliac little boy who is treated routinely by the rest of his hospital's .
  • The true story of the most recent attempts to save the life of the world's most famed hemophiliac came to light last week when the onetime Crown Prince of Spain returned to .
News & Articles

  • Review of Five Stones
    Suppose you are a hemophiliac and discover you have HIV/AIDS. Would you consider that a giant to be conquered? Now God calls you into ministry and you have to live as a husband and father with the stigma and questions of HIV and Hepatitis C.
    Nov. 1, 2013 - Church Central

  • Ronald Reagan in San Francisco Chronicle
    I was a near-hopeless hemophiliac liberal,Reagan wrote of his younger years. "I bled for 'causes'; I had voted Democratic, following my father, in every election. ...... I was blindly and busily joining every organization I could find that...

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