Human Guinea Pigs Some patients join clinical trials out of desperation.
Rampant overdevelopment of retail space and too-optimistic expectations about the spending power of the country's growing middle class have produced a plethora of gui gouwu .
The dinosaur, given the name Microraptor gui, appears to have used its feathers to glide from tree to tree, much like a flying squirrel.
Inside Artisan’s Asylum, the Somerville hackerspace making waves — and giant robots - At Artisan’s Asylum, makers build everything from plasma-cut artwork from sheet metal to 4,000 robot spiders and 3D pens. Gui Cavalcanti gives an inside view of the hackerpsace, and traces how it wen’t from a 1,000 square feet that scratched his own itch to 40,000 square feet open to hackers of all stripes.
June 20, 2013 - Boston Globe
5A boys’ soccer MVP: Lehi’s Gui Leme 5A boys’ soccer MVP: Lehi’s Gui Leme by Christopher Kamrani The Salt Lake Tribune Published Jun 19, 2013 01:19PM MDT Jerry Preisendorf admitted he didn’t know how good Gui Leme was when the dynamic junior midfielder transferred to Lehi from Pleasant Grove. He had an entire season to find out and watch, sometimes in complete awe. “He’s so creative in the box,” Preisendorf said, “you just kind of ...
June 19, 2013 - The Salt Lake Tribune
Ken Kutaragi in Enterprise IT Planet In a statement, Kutaragi said that "to access and/or browse content freely in real-time, a more sophisticated graphical user interface (GUI) within the 3D world will become key in the future. The current PC architecture is nearing its limits, in...
Craig Mundie in The Industry Standard For years, we've relied on familiar GUI (graphical user interface) tools and methods -- the keyboard and mouse; menus and commands; clicking and scrolling; files and folders -- to control and manipulate computers and the applications that run on... Steve Ballmer MacDailyNews (blog) Jan 11, 2010
44306 60556 gui Microsoft is trying hard to develop a NUI to replace the GUI," Mundie noted.