Green Light Given for First Segment of High Speed Rail The green light was given for construction of the first segment of the state's high speed rail line. That segment will cover 65 miles from Merced to Fresno. A ruling against the project could have caused more delays and jeopardized deadlines to collect federal grants. Work on the valley segment could begin this summer.
June 15, 2013 - CBS 47 Fresno
FRIDAY FINISHERS: A green light for a new South Shore F.D. ambulance THUMBS UP: After years of delay and repeated breakdowns, including one with a patient inside, the South Shore Fire Department got the green light on Tuesday to purchase a much-needed new ambulance to replace a 15-year-old rescue squad. The fact that it was earlier delayed and took multiple breakdowns for this to happen is unacceptable. Nonetheless, we will join fire officials in applauding the ...
June 14, 2013 - The Journal Times
Green light for Piedra Road project Better late than never. The reconstruction of Piedra Road is looking more like a reality for this summer following this week’s green light to put the project out to bid, contrary to the public prediction of one county commissioner earlier this year that construction would not begin before 2014.
June 13, 2013 - The Pagosa Springs Sun