The experimenters say BZL101 works by preventing cancer cells from undergoing glycolysis, a process of glycogen breakdown that accounts for as much as 85% of cancer cells' energy .
Glycogen, or animal sugar, is almost the sole source of cell energy.
Insect muscles that burn fat are fairly economical, but those that burn carbohydrates such as glycogen are lavish with fuel.
Discovery of how a gene that regulates factors involved in bacteria pathogenicity acts A discovery has been made of the way in which the glgS gene (now renamed as the “surface composition regulator”, scoR) acts in bacteria and how the mechanisms involved in bacterial infection can be altered by manipulating this gene, which indirectly affects glycogen production. The finding has been protected through the application for a patent and the exploiting of it is now pending a response ...
June 14, 2013 - Science Daily