glycerine :

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  • n  a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification of fats and oils

  • How can I take fish oil supplements in an easy to swallow medium without taking gelatin tabs made with meat product glycerine? Barbara Inglis.
  • In that vial, he explained to his friends, there was some nitro-glycerine.
  • Water solutions of the detergent were only mildly effective, so the researchers tried solutions of detergents in propylene glycol, which is a sort of thin glycerine.
News & Articles

  • 'Eco' Coal Pellets to Help Poland Cut Emissions
    Ninety percent of Poland's electricity is generated by coal-fired power stations. These carbon pellets are made from coal, but also include non-polluting biofuel components like glycerine and other plant materials. Called VARMO pellets, their creators at a company called Polski Koks, say they could actually help the country lower its carbon emissions. And new projects director Gerard Galeczka ...
    March 6, 2014 -

  • Tim Shadbolt in
    I think arsenic and nitro-glycerine would have been more appropriate,Mr Shadbolt said.
  • Owen Wilson in The Age
    I remember working on another movie where I was supposed to feel some emotion and explode in tears and they had to get these glycerine things to blow in your eyes to make you tear up because it seemed so phoney,Wilson says. "This movie, I...
  • Jeff Galloway in Atlanta Journal Constitution
    During the start-up of the EPICEROL production unit, the process to produce Epichlorohydrin from glycerine, Emerson's AMS Device Manager ensured the complete automation system, including DeltaV, were configured right the first time, allowing us to... Andrea Reliable Plant Magazine Jun 8, 2009 42528 58362 glycogen Thirty to 60 minutes after a race, it's a very good idea to replenish glycogen stores in your body by eating a snack that's 80 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent protein," says Galloway. "A lot of energy bars offer that, and it speeds up...

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