gen :

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je nuh ruhl

  • n  informal term for information
    give me the gen on your new line of computers

  • With 85 million baby boomers and 50 million Gen Xers, there is already a yawning generation gap among American workers--particularly in their ideas of work-life balance.
  • Thailand has never been short on ruthless generals with a lust to rule.
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in USA Today
    I don't make this decision based on any difference in policy with Gen. McChrystal. : nor do I make this decision out of any sense of personal insult,Obama told reporters in a sun-splashed Rose Garden.
  • John McCain in The Associated Press
    For those who doubt the president's desire and commitment to succeed in Afghanistan, his nomination of Gen. Petraeus to run this war should cause them to think twice,said Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services...

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