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  • n  a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole)

  • Their next album would be the glossy, gazillion-selling breakthrough, but on Master of Puppets Metallica didn't bother with hooks or pop discipline.
  • Some of that owed to Ozzy Osbourne's declaration that he had sat through The Exorcist a gazillion times (bat-biting would come later); most was due to the dark thunder of Tony Iommi .
  • The gazillion dollars spent on David Beckham notwithstanding, the idea of sports making Americans aware of the larger world is something of a contradiction in terms.

  • Kenny Perry in International Herald Tribune
    I think it's awesome,Kenny Perry said. "The economy is down. We need something to boost us up. And there's going to be a gazillion reporters there, so it will be fun to be around. That place is going to come to life."
  • Paula Abdul in Toronto Star
    I am blessed to be on the show. It's the greatest show on television all around the world and ...... a gazillion people would love to be in my shoes,Abdul said Tuesday.
  • Dee Snider in
    They're saying [to Robert], 'We're all rehearsed, we're ready to go, here's a gazillion dollars on the table,Snider told MuchMoreMusic. "If you don't do it, we're going out with this kid. And he can sing the shit out of ZEPPELIN.' And...

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