Their next album would be the glossy, gazillion-selling breakthrough, but on Master of Puppets Metallica didn't bother with hooks or pop discipline.
Some of that owed to Ozzy Osbourne's declaration that he had sat through The Exorcist a gazillion times (bat-biting would come later); most was due to the dark thunder of Tony Iommi .
The gazillion dollars spent on David Beckham notwithstanding, the idea of sports making Americans aware of the larger world is something of a contradiction in terms.
Star Spotting: Carly Rae Jepsen Joins The 'Taylor Swift Surprised Face' Club (PHOTO) Carly Rae Jepsen NAILS Taylor Swift's signature surprised face! We'd like to congratulate Carly Rae Jepsen on officially being inducted into the "Taylor Swift Surprised Face" club! It's a coveted (and totally made up) organization that Niall Horan, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, and a gazillion more famous people also belong to! Oh, and if [...]
June 11, 2013 - MTV
Kenny Perry in International Herald Tribune I think it's awesome,Kenny Perry said. "The economy is down. We need something to boost us up. And there's going to be a gazillion reporters there, so it will be fun to be around. That place is going to come to life."
Paula Abdul in Toronto Star I am blessed to be on the show. It's the greatest show on television all around the world and ...... a gazillion people would love to be in my shoes,Abdul said Tuesday.
Dee Snider in They're saying [to Robert], 'We're all rehearsed, we're ready to go, here's a gazillion dollars on the table,Snider told MuchMoreMusic. "If you don't do it, we're going out with this kid. And he can sing the shit out of ZEPPELIN.' And...