frigidity :

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  • n  sexual unresponsiveness (especially of women) and inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse
  • n  the absence of heat
  • n  a lack of affection or enthusiasm

  • Impotence and frigidity are very private problems that sex therapists usually treat on an individual basis.
  • Frigidity would then seem to be a symptom of immature sexual emotions.
  • Kevin Browne, Professor of Forensic Child Psychology at the University of Liverpool, says proximity to such extreme abuse can result in frigidity, promiscuity, or even abuse in .
News & Articles

  • Legacy of camellia
    There was a time when guys wore too much plaid, had too much hair and drove cars the size of tennis courts. It was called the 1970s. It was also a period of wickedly cold winters - this might seem a cruel taunt in the midst of an infernal summer - but this frigidity brought its own misery.
    Aug. 11, 2013 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

  • Susan Quilliam in New York Times
    He had a section on tactful ways to take a woman's virginity,Ms. Quilliam said. "He had a section called 'frigidity.' I'm sure he was a lovely man, but he said that most men, given a young and attractive partner, can always get it up -...
  • Julian Barnes in
    There is a tradition of English emotional reticence which can easily fall away into emotional inexpressiveness and frigidity,says Barnes. "I prefer that to the Oprahfication of the emotions which is what has happened. People talking about...

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