foresight :

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  • n  providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future
  • n  seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing

  • He had the imagination and foresight and leading genius to prepare this nation for war.
  • Watson flew throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific, displaying steel nerves and shrewd foresight and planning skills.
  • Tzipi and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have the foresight to know that a Palestinian state is in Israel's greatest interest, and that they must pursue the cause of peace with their .
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in
    Mr Obama said: "Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions.......... our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight...... our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit...
  • John McCain in
    Senator McCain told his New York audience: "Global warming is a test of foresight, of political courage, and of the unselfish concern that one generation owes to the next. We need to think straight about the dangers ahead, and meet the problems with...
  • President Bush in Forbes
    At every stage of his career, Ed has shown wisdom, foresight and creativity,Bush said in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. "Those same qualities will make him a valuable member of my Cabinet and they will make him a trusted friend to...

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