flight simulator :

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flight simulator

  • n  simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane
News & Articles

  • Frasca honored as Entrepreneur of the Year
    Rudy Frasca was honored as the V. Dale Cozad Entrepreneur of the Year at a fundraiser for the Parkland College Entrepreneurial Program. CHAMPAIGN — To hear Rudy Frasca's friends and colleagues tell it, the founder of Frasca International was a pioneer not only in the field of flight simulators but also in the world of modern-day business start-ups. read more
    June 13, 2013 - The Champaign News-Gazette
  • Hinsdale student replicates device from childhood
    HINSDALE — Peter Dalton is the kind of neighbor most families can only dream about. He has entertained children on his block in Hinsdale for years with projects, such as a homemade flight simulator and push cars, and was more than a little helpful with school science projects. Some kids, like Catie Edwards, keep returning to Dalton for help, even after they go away to college. Edwards, 21, is ...
    June 12, 2013 - The Doings Hinsdale
  • Hinsdale student replicates devide from childhood
    HINSDALE — Peter Dalton is the kind of neighbor most families can only dream about. He has entertained children on his block in Hinsdale for years with projects, such as a homemade flight simulator and push cars, and was more than a little helpful with school science projects. Some kids, like Catie Edwards, keep returning to Dalton for help, even after they go away to college. Edwards, 21, is ...
    June 12, 2013 - The Doings Hinsdale

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