- n offensive term for an openly homosexual man
- n a bundle of sticks and branches bound together
- v ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch
He fagotted the blouse for his wife - v fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them
- v bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot
- From "Vienna flies an airline; over the Danube Valley, checkered with green and yellow fields, past the drowsing towers of weedy castles, the Kreuzensteina fagot of aged stone.
- Last week, with another solar eclipse imminent (April 7), another court scratched a match, lit a fagot for the Yankee from Connecticut.
- Some themes: an errant stag and a hearty poacher; lusty village women, lying in a mustard field after fagot-gathering, wish that love could return; the noblesse oblige of a .