When he first heard about a Vatican -sponsored course on exorcism for priests, journalist Matt Baglio was intrigued by the idea of this ancient ritual taking place in the modern .
A horror classic is back--and so is exorcism, an old rite getting new respect.
The Archbishop of Calcutta says the nun underwent an exorcism during a hospital stay.
Toddler's Exorcism Death Part of Dark History A Virginia man was convicted earlier this week in the death of a 2-year-old who died during a 2011 exorcism. Eder Guzman-Rodriguez beat his daughter Jocelyn to death in an attempt to rid her of the demon he believed was inside her.
June 7, 2013 - LiveScience.com via Yahoo! News
New theater company opens in Provincetown with long-lost O'Neill script “The sooner all memory of it dies, the better pleased I’ll be,” wrote Eugene O’Neill about his autobiographical play “Exorcism,” which deals with his own attempted suicide. It’s a good thing then that the playwright is not around to see this long-forgotten work, written in 1919, resurrected in a staged reading this Saturday, June 8, by the Peregrine Theater Ensemble at the Art House in ...
June 6, 2013 - Provincetown Banner
Florence Shapiro in Dallas Morning News I heard from a parent about a child who was on K2,Shapiro said. "The child thought he was the devil and the kids were going to do an exorcism on him. It causes hallucinations and elevated heart rate, a whole slew of effects."
Father Gabriele Amorth in Christian Post I don't know whether he regards homosexuals as possessed by the devil and supports the exorcism of gay people, but someone ought to ask him. Boris should investigate the people who invite him before accepting their invitations. He should not attend... Peter Tatchell http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Tatchell&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFIIQx7bF-vUS93S5C2YvhoUbk6Xg Pink Paper http://www.google.com/url?q=http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory.aspx%3Fid%3D2119&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHwre_eExaPUUab6i2YI4lJa8RRtg Dec 9, 2009
35191 44790 exorcism If a person is not violent I let them sit in this armchair, and I do the exorcism here," said Amorth, showing CBN the small room that he uses. "If they are violent I lay them down and if necessary I also tie them down."