enthuse :

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in thoohz

  • v  cause to feel enthusiasm
  • v  utter with enthusiasm

  • Said one critic: "No one could possibly enthuse about it.
  • People were a bit tired of seeing him gaze out from the covers of four best-selling recipe books; enthuse over squid and squash in his TV series broadcast in 44 countries; and star .
  • Indeed, his performance led Lebanon's leading pro-Western liberal daily newspaper, the Daily Star, to enthuse in an editorial that "Hizballah is not a problem it is part of .
News & Articles

  • Prepare to Impress Investors
    What does it take to enthuse, excite, and entice investors? These three tips will have you prepped and ready to pitch. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in this country, so much so that it’s given rise to “Shark Tank,” a popular reality show where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to notoriously tough investors, a.k.a., sharks. What does it take to inspire investors enough for ...
    June 21, 2013 - The Curious Capitalist
  • Prepare to Impress Investors
    What does it take to enthuse, excite, and entice investors? These three tips will have you prepped and ready to pitch. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in this country, so much so that it’s given rise to “Shark Tank,” a popular reality show where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to notoriously tough investors, a.k.a., sharks. What does it take to inspire investors enough for ...
    June 21, 2013 - The Curious Capitalist

  • Jim Knight in InTheNews.co.uk
    I am determined that we enthuse and engage boys in English but this is about taking a far broader approach in schools and government than simply using stereotyped 'fighting and football' texts,said Mr Knight.
  • John Howard in Melbourne Herald Sun
    Yes, it's a very bad poll for the Coalition ...... I recognise that,Mr Howard told Sky News today. "What it does though is to encourage me, enthuse me to work even harder to convince the Australian public that the future prosperity and...
  • Alistair Darling in BBC News
    On science, Mr Darling said: "I can announce today that we will commit £10m over the next five years - which alongside contributions from the Wellcome Trust and private sector will create a £30m Enthuse Science fund. This will give every science...

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