During the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century people emigrated to US in droves.
A Jew, he was able to emigrate in 1973 and is now director of Soviet studies at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies.
However, the community has been unable to agree to emigrate as a whole.
Escaped Nazi War Criminal Found in Minnesota Did Terrible Job of Hiding War Crimes The Associated Press has discovered a Nazi living in Minnesota . Michael Karkoc, 94, lied to American officials about his World War II activities in order to emigrate and actually commanded a notorious SS unit that (as notorious SS units are wont to do) committed numerous war crimes.
June 14, 2013 - New York Magazine
Fidel Castro in Forbes It is known that in Iraq about 1 million people have died and 2 million have been forced to emigrate from their country occupied by troops from the United States and their allies, among them Australia,Castro added.
Roger Douglas in Sydney Morning Herald Prospect for growth: mediocre and inadequate - Australia will continue to outperform and New Zealanders will continue to emigrate,Douglas wrote on his blog. "Mediocrity is the name of the game."
Condoleezza Rice in USA Today The independent press was muzzled, freedom of assembly was constrained, food was used as a weapon to sway hungry voters and millions of Zimbabweans who have been forced by the nation's economic collapse to emigrate were disenfranchised,Rice...