emigrate :

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e muh grayt

  • v  leave one's country of residence for a new one
    Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period

  • During the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century people emigrated to US in droves.
  • A Jew, he was able to emigrate in 1973 and is now director of Soviet studies at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • However, the community has been unable to agree to emigrate as a whole.

  • Fidel Castro in Forbes
    It is known that in Iraq about 1 million people have died and 2 million have been forced to emigrate from their country occupied by troops from the United States and their allies, among them Australia,Castro added.
  • Roger Douglas in Sydney Morning Herald
    Prospect for growth: mediocre and inadequate - Australia will continue to outperform and New Zealanders will continue to emigrate,Douglas wrote on his blog. "Mediocrity is the name of the game."
  • Condoleezza Rice in USA Today
    The independent press was muzzled, freedom of assembly was constrained, food was used as a weapon to sway hungry voters and millions of Zimbabweans who have been forced by the nation's economic collapse to emigrate were disenfranchised,Rice...

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