electrostatic charge :

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electrostatic charge

  • n  the electric charge at rest on the surface of an insulated body (which establishes and adjacent electrostatic field)
News & Articles

  • Insects attract spider webs with electrically charged wings
    KRISTEN BUTLER, UPI.com Spider webs are attracted to insects with an electrostatic charge, built up when they flap their wings, study shows.
    July 5, 2013 - UPI
  • Neutral Spider Web Seeking Positively Charged Insects
    [ Watch the Video: Falling Insects Electrostatically Deform Web ] Michael Harper for redOrbit.com - Your Universe Online A new study from the University of California claims spider webs don't attract the prey; rather, the prey attracts the web. As insects such as aphids or bees fly through the air, carried by their tiny and quickly beating wings, they build up a positive electrostatic charge ...
    July 5, 2013 - redOrbit
  • Spider webs more effective at ensnaring charged insects
    Flapping bees build up a charge of several hundred volts, enough to electrostatically draw pollen from a flower. But researchers have discovered a downside to being charged: it attracts spider silk and increases the chance that the bee or any insect will be snared by a web as it passes by. Perhaps, they say, the more flexible silk of an orb's spiral evolved to allow wind and electrostatic charge ...
    July 4, 2013 - Science Daily

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