electronics :

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i lektro niks

  • n  the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices

  • Guiyu, China breaks down much of the world's discarded electronics, slowly poisoning itself in the processPhotographs by Chien-min Chung Reportage by Getty.
  • Cell phone, computer and electronics makers are going greener, which helps the environment and their bottom line.
  • Thus, many electronics recyclers ship American e-waste abroad, where it is stripped and burned with little concern for environmental or human health.
News & Articles

  • Electronics recycling, paper shredding event in Bethel
    Bethel Township is hosting an Electronics recycling event for residents 9 a.m.-noon, June 8 at the John Myers Building on Bethel Road. Residents are welcome to bring electronic items including computers, monitors, televisions, desktop printers, microwave ovens, telephones, radios, stereos, small kitchen appliances and DVD/DVR players.
    June 13, 2013 - Garnet Valley Press
  • Sony Electronics Introduces Trio of Personal Computers Which Use Intel Chip
    Sony Electronics recently introduced a trio of personal computers powered by Intel Corp.’s new fourth-generation Core i7 “Haswell” chip. The Japanese company does engineering work on its Vaio computer line in Rancho Bernardo.
    June 13, 2013 - San Diego Business Journal
  • Consumer Electronics Industry Hosts Sustainable Technology Demo and Reception in New York
    The Consumer Electronics Association ® hosted a technology demonstration and reception in Albany, N.Y., today to educate policymakers and stakeholders on the industry’s most r
    June 12, 2013 - Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance

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