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- Vote: Should the Celtics Part Ways With Doc Rivers?
Should he stay, or should he go? That has been the question hounding Celtics fans for weeks now, as the Doc Rivers saga continues to drag on. The situation regarding Rivers’ proposed trade to the Clippers seems to take on a new shape each hour, with reports on the deal fluctuating between all but certain […]
June 21, 2013 - New England Sports Network - NC alone in choice to end extended unemployment checks
North Carolina lawmakers had a tough choice this spring: Change how unemployment benefits are calculated, potentially cutting off benefits to tens of thousands of people, or allow the state's debt to the federal government to continue as a drag on the economy. The state was one of many in the same situation, but North Carolina lawmakers were the only ones who chose the quicker fix.
June 20, 2013 - WRAL.com Raleigh