dog-eared :

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  • s  worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down
    a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down"-Clifton Fadiman
    an old book with dog-eared pages

  • Stall owners, each armed with a dog-eared copy of an orchid encyclopedia, call out to passersby, extolling the virtues of each variety.
  • There, across from the dozen or so sharpened pencils piled on his desk, are two dog-eared signs taped to the gilt mirror over the marble fireplace, each bearing multiple pencil and .
  • His shirtsleeves were rolled up, and he flipped me a dog-eared basketball autographed by Lenny Wilkens.
News & Articles

  • ‘What do I wear to a hijacking?’
    The Skies Belong to Us Love and Terror in the Golden Age of Hijacking By Brendan I. Koerner Crown Publishers On June 2, 1972, a disturbed Vietnam veteran named Roger Holder packed the following items into a briefcase: “an alarm clock, a dog-eared copy of Madame Blavatsky’s ‘The Secret...
    June 16, 2013 - New York Post

  • Douglas Brinkley in New York Times
    A speed-reading bookaholic, TR called his dog-eared traveling volumes 'The Pigskin Library' because they had waterproof covers,Brinkley said in an e-mail message.
  • Cameron Crowe in San Diego Union Tribune
    There's something about the fact that when you see a copy of it, it's usually dog-eared and been passed around,Crowe says, comparing it to old vinyl records. "I like that it's very personal and kind of a keepsake. In this world where...
  • Garrison Keillor in
    He is a pro,Keillor says. "If you are promoting a book of yours, he will have read it, dog-eared it, underlined it heavily, will be prepared to lead a seminar on it. That sweet growl of his is instantly recognisable to anybody who has ever...

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