disrepair :

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dis ri per

  • n  in need of repairs

  • Autobahns were like washboards, bridges were crumbling, water and sewage services had fallen into disrepair.
  • But now they're letting their man-made glacier fall into disrepair, says Kundan.
  • The forces it needs to do that have suffered from neglect and disrepair.
News & Articles


  • Arlen Specter in Guardian Unlimited
    It is generally acknowledged that the Department of Justice is in a state of disrepair, perhaps even dysfunction, because of what has happened,Specter, of Pennsylvania, said.
  • Barack Obama in Sun-Sentinel.com
    We can't simply write these problems off to past injustices,Obama said to applause Sunday. "Those injustices are real. There's a reason our families are in disrepair, and some of it has to do with a tragic history, but we can't keep using...
  • Kevin Rudd in Belfast Telegraph
    Mr Rudd said: "It's about building a bridge of respect, which I think has been in some state of disrepair in recent decades. But having crossed that bridge, the other part of it is all about practical business."

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