Al-Qaeda schemes, now in various stages of development, run the gamut from old-fashioned truck bombings to assassinations to the dispersal of chemical and biological agents .
Schmidt specialized in the generous dispersal of indignation like a friendly neighbor handing out Halloween candy to a quote-hungry press.
It contained plans for a gas-dispersal system dubbed "the mubtakkar" (Arabic for inventive).
'Tailing' spiny lobster larvae to protect them In a new study of spiny lobsters scientists studied the larval dispersal of this species in the Caribbean. The goal of the study was to describe the sources, sinks, and routes connecting the Caribbean spiny lobster metapopulation. The results led the team to propose marine resource management strategies that incorporate larval connectivity and "larval lobster credits" to sustain and rebuild ...
June 13, 2013 - Science Daily
John Swinney in Glasgow Daily Record Finance secretary John Swinney said: "Relocation policy to date has not achieved the benefits intended - wide job dispersal or assisting the areas most in economic need. The government's approach will mean that relocation is still an option but it...
Manmohan Singh in Complimenting the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation for organizing the conference to discuss the organisation and management of statistics in the country, Dr. singh said: "The acquisition, processing and dispersal of information...
Carly Fiorina in Reuters As I understand it, the automotive industry is pushing for the dispersal of those funds as quickly as possible and so maybe this administration may have no other choice,Fiorina said. "On the other hand, the next administration, whoever...