disclaim :

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dis klaym

  • v  renounce a legal claim or title to
  • v  make a disclaimer about
    He disclaimed any responsibility

  • The chaser's enemy is the claim agent who tries to get the injured person to disclaim damages, or take at most a small money settlement.
  • Bin Laden, whose general practice is to praise terror attacks but disclaim any direct connection to them, has said, "Our job is to instigate.
  • I cannot disclaim my age, to which reference is made.

  • Vladimir Putin in International Herald Tribune
    If this doesn't happen, then we disclaim responsibility for our retaliatory steps, because it is not we who are the initiators of the new arms race, which is undoubtedly brewing in Europe,Putin said.
  • Mar Roxas in Business Mirror
    These could be seen as big favors that substantially benefited Martinez's son,Roxas added. "Commissioner Martinez cannot disclaim responsibility because the Legacy scam happened under his watch. Preneed is one of the areas Martinez was...
  • Bill Woodcock in Seattle Times
    Sometimes the Chinese "will brag about their exploits, and other times they'll disclaim them entirely, blaming unknown rogue individuals," says Bill Woodcock, research director at Packet Clearing House, a nonprofit research institute that...

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