To become a journeyman diemaker, an apprentice must complete 8,000 hours, or four years, of shop work, practicing on-the-job skills for an average of just $4 an hour.
The story began in New York City in 1965, when John Mariotta, a diemaker, high school dropout, and the Manhattan-born son of Puerto Rican parents, invested $3,000 to start a small .
The initial impression, said a Detroit tool- and diemaker, "is not that of a small car, but of a standard car until you get close.
“We all felt numb” On that sad day I was working as a tool and diemaker for Hudson Tool & Die Company in Newark, New Jersey. Someone came screaming into our plant and said that President Kennedy had been shot and was pronounced dead about 2 p.m. EST.
Nov. 22, 2013 - Daytona Beach News-Journal