As a diagnostic tool, MRIs can be useful in picking up what mammograms may not find which is why the American Cancer Society, for example, recommends both screens for otherwise .
Black's medical skills are backed by tools ranging from X rays to powerful diagnostic and treatment devices like 3-D MRI scanners and noninvasive tumor killers.
But for Goodheart, muscle testing is the diagnostic gold standard.
Diagnostic to assess clotting disorders in surgery raises new capital A medical device company has raised nearly $1.3 million to advance a diagnostic to detect life-threatening bleeding and blood clots, according to a Form D filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. HemoSonics‘ Point of Care Analyzer evaluates the systems that manage clotting: platelets, coagulation factors, fibrinogen and fibrinolytic proteins. The device is being [...]
June 11, 2013 - MedCity News