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day tuh

  • n  a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
    statistical data
  • n  an item of factual information derived from measurement or research

  • Data from event data recorders (EDRs) is crucial for safety engineers.
  • In 2004, bloggers got a hold of early exit poll data and hailed a premature Kerry victory.
  • A Congressional inquiry into online data brokers has raised concerns that federal and local law enforcement may be skirting privacy laws to obtain calling records.
News & Articles


  • Ben Bernanke in MarketWatch
    We look forward to the Council's completion of the process, allowing the agreement to enter into force on August 1, 2010, thus fully restoring this important counterterrorism tool and resuming the sharing of investigative data that has been... Barack Obama Island Crisis (blog) Jul 8, 2010 24989 33709 data Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said in his Jackson Hole speech that, in the current environment, economic data bearing on past months or quarters may be less useful than usual for our forecasts of economic activity and inflation."
  • Judge Alex Kozinski in Los Angeles Times
    This was an obvious case of deliberate overreaching by the government in an effort to seize datait was not entitled to have, Judge Alex Kozinski wrote for an 11-judge panel of the 9th Circuit US Court of Appeals.

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