The film: Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg assassin sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, whose son will eventually lead an uprising against the machine overlords of a robot .
From the beginning, when cyborg Arnold Schwarzenegger first arrived in our present nude, greasy and heralded by what now seems like a very quaint series of lightning strikes .
He's becoming a cyborg--part man-child, part machine.
Kickstarter Project Funds Cyborg Cockroaches Lee Rannals for - Your Universe Online A new Kickstarter project wants to allow you to own and control your own cyborg cockroach . The RoboRoach is the world's first commercially available "Insect Cyborg" that involves neuroscience and engineering. Researchers from "Backyard Brains" created a device that allows you to install a pack to the antenna of a cockroach and control the ...
June 12, 2013 - redOrbit
RoboRoach: Control a live cyborg cockroach from your phone In what they dub a marriage of behavioral neuroscience and neural engineering, the minds at Backyard Brains have mounted a Kickstarter project that lets you build your own cyborg out of a bug. [Read more]
June 12, 2013 - CNET
Steve Mann in Calgary Herald We've been working for 20 or 30 years on this mind-Borg or Cyborg stuff. All of these things are examples of new interfaces between humans and machines,said Steve Mann, a professor with the department of electrical and computer engineering at...
Frank Shamrock in USA Today My time has come,Shamrock told the crowd at the HP Pavilion in San Jose. "The stars like Gilbert Melendez and Cristiane Cyborg. They are the future and I am the past. Tonight I announce my retirement and I say this will be the last time I...