creak :

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  • n  a squeaking sound
    the creak of the floorboards gave him away
  • v  make a high-pitched, screeching noise
    The door creaked when I opened it slowly

  • Ponnudorai's parents were too poor to buy him a metronome: he learned his exquisite sense of timing by playing along to the creak of an old ceiling fan.
  • Every strange creak in the night frightened her.
  • The only sounds he hears are the snap of a rein across the mule's hindquarters, the simple mechanical whirl of his corn-harvesting machine and the creak of his oak-plank wagon as .

  • Ben Affleck in New York Daily News
    I just get nervous and think that every chair creak or cough, people hate it,Affleck said of his directorial debut. "And when someone says they thought the movie was good, [I think], you're lying to me!"
  • Mark Calcavecchia in
    Calcavecchia, whose Italian connection lies with a grandfather from Sicily, explained: "I have constant back pain, my knees creak, my feet hurt and my brain is shot, but I won't use it as an excuse. I hit the driver sideways and putted worse - my...

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