concurrent :

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kuhn ku ruhnt

  • s  occurring or operating at the same time

  • Lionel's sentence of two concurrent terms of 5 years each was too light considering the serious charges that were brought against him.
  • Market watchers believe that while bigger and larger TVs are pushing the audiences backward for comfortable viewing there is a concurrent theme where electronics industry's miniaturization process is causing the consumer to move forward.
  • Often, software programs and applications run concurrently in different processors.
News & Articles


  • David Richards in Sify
    But at the same time you've got to continue the work we're doing on the military, governance and development perspectives to make sure they don't think we're giving up. It's a concurrent process and they're both equally important,he said.
  • Richard Holbrooke in New York Times
    Concurrent with the insurgency is an information war,said Richard C. Holbrooke, the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, who will direct the effort.
  • Jacob Zuma in Times LIVE
    We do now face the challenge of figuring out how to move, I'll say, the whole programming ecosystem of personal computing up to a new level where they can reliably construct large-scale applications that are distributed, highly concurrent, and able... Craig Mundie,130061702,339277893,00.htm&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHxssByoQVsM8Tu1ENeeoDC9C7i8g May 27, 2007 20727 28575 concurrently The parties have agreed to a package of measures to be implemented concurrently as per the decision of the SADC Troika in Maputo. I believe that the implementation of this package will take the process forward substantially," Zuma said in a...

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