Somber Superman: Zack Snyder delivers, even if ''Man of Steel'' is moodier than most Film: Zack Snyder, visionary director. The title gets plastered across ads for every movie he makes, but lately, it's more the butt of a joke than a compliment. After a run of recent failures -- Watchmen , Sucker Punch , Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole -- Snyder seemed doomed to be remembered as an utterly flawed, utterly ambitious filmmaker. Perhaps by accident, though, "visionary ...
June 13, 2013 - Metro Weekly
Killer Mike takes gift of gab to new WAOK talk show Killer Mike is one articulate mutha . Now usually that would be a serious backhanded compliment for a black man , but being that his gift of gab has earned him a prime-time slot in talk-radio land, consider this a rare exception.… [ Read more ] [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
June 13, 2013 - Creative Loafing Atlanta
John McCain in FOXNews As many of you know I've been called a maverick, somebody who marches to the beat of his own drum and sometimes it's meant as a compliment and sometimes it's meant as a criticism,McCain told more than 1,000 voters in a high school gymnasium...
Richard Dreyfuss in BBC News Scheider's Jaws co-star Richard Dreyfuss said: "He was a wonderful guy. He was what I call a knockaround actor. A knockaround actor to me is a compliment that means a professional that lives the life of a professional actor and doesn't yell and...
Miroslav Klose in FOXNews It's a huge compliment, and thanks to the team I've had a lot of goal opportunities,Klose said. "I'd be happier to be a world champion than to pass one person or another."